Iva was a Girl Scout and an honor student at Los Angeles High School. She went to UCLA and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology in 1941. It was her dream to become a doctor. But, after finishing college, Iva's mother got word that one of her sisters in Tokyo was not well and it was the responsibility for the oldest child to go visit. Iva also had dreams of medical school and she thought, even though she couldn't speak Japanese, that she could attend school in Japan. After all, medicine is medicine, right?

The official said, "Really, young lady? Do you know what's going on in Japan right now? Japan wants to take over the rest of Asia. I wouldn't be surprised if the United States will be at war by the end of the year." He looked at her thoughtfully. "Did you already buy a ticket?"
"Yes, sir."
"I bet it was really cheap."
"Yes. It was."
"Well, I'll tell you what... This office can't give you a passport to go to Japan but we can give you a foreign identification card. I need a photograph and your birth certificate."

She left on July 5, 1941, the day after her 25th birthday. The ship, the Arabia Maru, was actually attacked on the way to Japan by Japanese military airplanes.
When arriving in Japan, she tried to find her aunt's house. She tried looking in the phone directory, which was written in Japanese. She spent almost a week looking until she got the idea to go to a police station.
"Can you help me? I need to find my aunt..."
The police sergeant at the front desk was a little puzzled looking.

He spoke up... "Yes, I do. But what are you doing here? You're American, right?"
"Is Japan at war with the United States?"
"Not yet..."
She looked startled at the man. And then she gave him the name of her aunt. He looked up the name and she was taken there in a police car. The aunt seemed fine. She didn't look sick at all. Her mother looked sicker than this! Iva proved to be more of a pain to her family in Japan than help. She couldn't speak Japanese. So she couldn't work. She'd spend hours a day playing the piano and listening to English language broadcasts on the short-wave radio. Now the real trick was to figure how to get back home. She knew she was unwelcome. How would this work out?

The radio program was called The Zero Hour. It was put together by prisoners of war. Iva actually wanted to stay with the prisoners but that couldn't be allowed. The program consisted of a man giving the news (he had a fake Japanese accent and was either American or Australian). Music was announced by a cadre of around 18 Japanese women and Iva. Each had a different "handle" they would use as announcer. Dutchie was very popular. She had a high pitched voice. Iva was Orphan Ann. She got the name from what she missed from America: She loved the Sunday comics. Her favorite was Little Orphan Annie. She missed the radio shows Little Orphan Annie (which went off the air just before she left California) and The Shadow. She loved the movies and had a terrible girlish crush on Jimmy Stewart which lasted through college. It should also be noted that she was registered as a Republican for the 1940 Presidential election and campaigned rather verbally for Wendell Willkie. And the Japanese kept giving her the opportunity to register as a Japanese citizen. Her father, who was a very patriotic American, always told her, "A tiger never changes its stripes. You will always be you, my loving daughter." In time that statement would be linked with Iva during her subsequent trial in the middle of all of this. But the statement was actually her father's.
Those women on The Zero Hour collectively became known as Tokyo Rose. There never was a person who claimed that handle. It was a GI nickname. She was said to be the enemy, but most of the servicemen knew she was harmless.

President Gerald Ford pardoned Iva in 1976, which was the very last thing he did as President. Four years later, Iva and Felipe finally divorced. She continued living in Chicago and running the store, even after her father died. Iva died at her home in Chicago on September 26, 2006, at the age of 90. She died of old age.
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